Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My first fish

Wes and I's first date without Oliver was going out on the boat at banks to fish, while Oli stayed back with Grandma.  We were only gone for about 2 hours, but I don't think Wes has ever loved me more than when I caught this small mouth bass (except MAYBE when I gave birth to Oli!)  So I DO NOT like to touch fish, they freak me out, this was the second attempt to hold the fish up for a picture.  The first time I may have dropped the fish screaming, leaving Wes to catch the flopping fish in the boat!!  Wes caught five or six fish most bigger than mine, but needless to say Wes was very proud of me and we had a great time fishing together for our first date!


Jami and Rob said...

Oh nasty! I feel the exact same way about fish Beth. Way to go, you're my hero! Isn't it strange and wonderful to be alone again after having a baby? Glad you could get away. It was great to see you at the reunion!

emy said...

What a great wife you are. I'm glad you got out to Banks. I'm sad I missed it. I'm so proud of you catching a fish. Way to make your husband proud.

HR said...

FOR THE LOVE! OLI IS SO BIG! We still have his birth gift (ya - a wee bit behind in sending it!) I think I need to get a different size!!!! He has such great skin color and i love his eyes!!!

Chelsea said...

How funny!! Congrats on the big catch, and for leaving Oli for the first time :) Miss you like crazy!